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We sleep 1/3 of our lives. Let's make the most out of it.

We develop and update our formulas based on the latest research, working with dietitians and neuroscientists at the top of their game.


So you can be at yours.

We develop and design our products based on the latest research, from the top-tier sleep and breathing experts.


So you can be at your best.

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Important Disclaimer: While Nuku Mouth Tape are generally safe, do not use Nuku Mouth Tape  if you have trouble breathing through your nose. Do not use by itself without a CPAP if you are obese (BMI over 35) or if you have very low blood pressure. Do not use if you have severe heart or breathing problems, or if you have a cold, sinus infection, or ear infection. Do not use if you have severely chapped lips or non-intact skin immediately around the nose or mouth, or after consuming alcohol or sedatives. Nuku products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.